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I had some really great news after I posted yesterday. I received a letter from the DWP regarding my claim for Employment and Support Allowance... And my benefits have been granted! HURRAH!

I have been placed in to a support group which means that I am not required to take part in any work related activity.

From 14th August 2012 (to be backdated) my weekly payment will be upped from £71.00 to £119.85 - to be paid fortnightly. And, I also get a Christmas bonus payment of £10. I should finally be able to afford to live a little more.

It's such fantastic news after having spent the last few days stressing over my financial situation to the point where I was in tears.

I am so relieved!

I did say previously that I would do a more detailed post on the process, so I will get one written up for you so you know what to expect should you have to go through the same process.
