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:: This column was originally posted on Endometriosis News ::
New years eve is typically spent with a glass of bubbly in one hand, while you have a boogie and a fabulous night of socialising with friends. It’s not quite the same for those of us with a chronic illness though.
Just because it’s a new year, doesn’t mean you must start afresh. Carry on the best you can and let go of any expectations you or others have put upon yourself. Think about what you have achieved this year. You might have been a busy bee all year and achieved lots. But there is no shame in having done less. You might feel some days like all you’ve done is get out of bed to go and rest on the couch. But hey, you got out of bed! Celebrate those small victories. And remember, expectations equal pressure, and we could all do with a little less of that!
Think of all the things you can do. It might not be much, and, because of the way chronic illness works, it will most certainly be different every day. But what can you do? Can you breathe? Yes. Can you get dressed? Some days. Can you get out of the house? Maybe tomorrow. Don’t fixate on the negatives because you can do so much. Even if they don’t seem important, you are still doing something.
You are not lazy if you don’t start going to the gym. You are not weak if you need to rest. You are not selfish if you need to put yourself and your health first. We are so hard on ourselves sometimes, especially as people who suffer day in and day out with illness. We want so much for ourselves and it’s not always feasible - but we are not failures in any way, shape or form because of our illnesses.
Whether it is our own self loathing, or maybe someone in our lives bringing us down. Let go. You don’t have to answer to anyone else. Think positively and take steps to banish that negativity.
We might want to get somewhere quickly but that’s not always possible in the world of chronic illness. We have to pace ourselves and rest in between. Take baby steps towards each goal and then look back and see how far you’ve come. It’s similar to thinking about the year. You might think the year has been a waste of time but you’ve made it through all 365 days of that year - even when you thought you couldn’t. Keep going. Take it slow and easy. Eventually you’ll get there.
Keep your goals in sight and look forward to them. Don’t keep looking back at what could have been or what has been.
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